Health Services

Occupational Health 

Appointment Booking:

  • Appointments are arranged by the individual Commands Safety officers or Supervisors after entering employee duty tasks in ESAMS and providing the clinic with the SECNAV 5100/1 "Supervisor's Medical Surveillance and Certification Exam Referral".

  • For Civilian appointments not related to Medical Surveillance such as return to work or injuries; Supervisors or safety officers must complete and sign a Medical Referral Form (OPNAV 5100-/) prior to patient appointment/injury evaluation. Due to limited resources for injury care, please call the clinic prior to sending patients for specific questions.

  • Basic New member check-ins are completed on a walk-in basis during regular business hours.

  • Medical Record Requests


Medical Surveillance Examinations:

Medical Surveillance Examinations are designed to protect workers who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances in the workplace. Placement of personnel in medical surveillance programs is based primarily on the results of the Industrial Hygiene Survey completed by the Industrial Hygiene Department. These hazards may include: asbestos, lead, isocyanates, cadmium, solvents, noise, ionizing radiation, pesticides, blood borne pathogens, etc. Examinations are conducted on a periodic basis based on Medical Matrix 12 requirements.

Job Certification Examinations:

Job certification examinations are for jobs that have specific medical standards, licensing requirements or are mandated by instruction. These include: firefighter, respirator certification, forklift operator, healthcare worker, childcare worker, motor vehicle operator, explosives handler and driver, crane operator, etc. The examination frequency varies based on the certification based on Medical Matrix 12 requirements.

Work Related Injury and Illness Care for Civilian Employee: 

Civil Service and Non- Appropriated funds employees are eligible for some basic care in Occupational Medicine for their work-related (occupational) injuries and illnesses. Services are very limited please call ahead for information. Civilian members have the right to choose their provider of choice for injuries and illnesses. Contractors are not seen in the clinic for injuries they must follow the contracting agencies policy and instructions on injuries.

Reproductive Hazards Consultations:

Members can book their appointments directly after pregnancy has been confirmed with their PCM. They must provide a completed NAVMED 6260/9 (Occupational Exposures of Reproductive or Developmental Concerns- Supervisor or Workers statements).

Blood and Body Fluid Exposures (BBP):

Hotlink (Exposure to Blood and Body Fluid BBP) is located under at the Hospital. "LaunchPoint" under Environment of Care (EOC). This link provides forms and general provider information.

​Please see BBP Hospital Exposure control plan under the infection control manual.

Pre-Placement Exams:

These pre-placement exams are coordinated directly with the HR Hiring Agency.

Worksite Evaluations For Hazards:

These are coordinated by calling the clinic directly during business hours. Usually evaluations are conducted as a team with Occupational Medicine, Employee, Employees Supervisor, Safety and Industrial Hygiene.

Contact Us

Phone Numbers

One Number Appointment Line


7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
7:00 AM to 2:00 PM 
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays

*For additional information regarding these policies contact our Customer Service Representative
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!